Friday, August 10, 2012


First off, I did some blog remodeling own my own. I am so proud of all that I have learned about computers, html, edits, gadgets, links, and generally just clicking on things until I get the result I want and then saving. Everytime I accomplish something cool, my husband says, "Did Kelsie help you with that?" Wow, no. I can learn new tricks. That is not to say that my computer has not suffered. It is a myth that you cannot break your computer if you don't know how to properly use it. Just ask mine. It is very confused.

That leads me to one of the first life changing events of late. I began working towards my Masters of Early Childhood. The content is not hard, but refreshing and exciting to be back studying about the philosophers and philosphies that shape the ideas that drive my passion. What is hard is the technology involved in an online course. Also, the last time I took undergraduate courses, assignments did not involve technology of any kind unless you count taking a few pictures, adding some music and making a slide show. And not any of these three used the same piece of equipment. Now, almost every assignment includes some technology. I am enjoying it.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Update August 2012

Jumping in to make an update even though this blog looks terrible and hideous! It is a bit like your house. You don't want visitors while your house is being remodeled. Terror strikes at the thought that someone will drop in when it is a mess. This blog has been in a state of distress for over a year. I keep meaning to remodel and make it look all cutesy again but I think I did something terrible to it and I just can't save any adorable little backgrounds and headers and buttons right now. Help, Kelsie!

Posting about my last year and a half is in the plan. Not that it has been overly eventful, just sort of life changing. In a nutshell, I have come out of my shell. Hopefully, someone will read my posts because it is very rewarding to share. More importantly, it is self analysing to order your thoughts into sentences and paragraphs and ultimately narratives. If you read this check back.